What score do I need to pass the exam?
You must correctly answer 70 of the 100 questions to pass the exam.
When do I find out if I passed the exam?
You get your result immediately after taking the exam. If you pass, then your certificate is immediately available for printing.
What happens if I fail the first time? Second time?
You may retake the exam up to 6 times per year to eventually pass the exam. If you need more than 6 times, then you need to wait until the following year.
We believe that Certification should be part of the learning process and help reinforce understanding and not just be a point-in-time proof of memorized knowledge.
Our database of questions is extensive, so it is unlikely that you will see the same questions each time you attempt the exam. In other words, BE FULLY PREPARED each time that you attempt the exam.
Do I need to “re-certify” every year?
NO! You only need to pass the exam once.
We use continuing education requirements to ensure that you stay current with new developments in GRC. You can review the other requirements to maintain your GRCP certification.
How was the GRCP exam developed?
The GRCP topics and questions were determined by conducting an extensive job analysis of over 500 GRC Professionals in June 2010.
Participants in the job analysis were asked to analyze over 200 skills and determine their significance to a GRC professional, executive or auditor.
The job analysis and other research yielded a competency model that serves as a blueprint for the GRCP.
We update the GRC Capability model and GRC Professional Exam to reflect important changes in the marketplace.